particolare opera Madoi

Isabella, detail, 1965, oil on canvas, 27 x 19 in


Fondazione Isabella e Walter Madoi

The Foundation, named after Walter Madoi (1925-1976) and his beloved wife, has been established in 2007, to ensure the best conservative actions of his artistic heritage.
The massive collection of oil paintings, drafts and drawings for the great sculptures and fresco projects, has been subject to an analitic registration and 132 of these works  have been selected and given to the Foundation by the daughters of the Artist, Laura and Annamaria, respectively President and Vice President of the same. 
A Committee of Authentication is dealing with the hundreds of pictures or other works submitted by private or public collectors for a formal registration to be included in the Catalogo Generale, Volume I, Paintings and Drawings of future edition.
The Foundation will supervise and patronize special Events dedicated to the Author and promoted by public or private Institutions.

After almost 17 years of activity, since January, 17 2007, date of its establishment, the Foundation in the name of Isabella and Walter Madoi has recently concluded its cycle of activity. The prerogatives that were the basis of its constitution remain unchanged. The continuation of present and future activities are managed directly by the Maestro's heirs, Annamaria and Laura Madoi.

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