Sesta Chiesa 2020  Restauro


Un affresco da salvare

La Chiesa, Affeschi

Sesta Inferiore di Corniglio, Parma
Chiesa di San Rocco

In order to arrive at the completion of the entire restoration of the frescos painted by Madoi in the '60 inside the Church, the fundraising campaign promoted by the Consorzio di Miglioramento Alta Val Parma remains open.
Money contributions, bearing the description "Sesta-Madoi: un affresco da salvare" could be deposited on the current account of the

Consorzio di Miglioramento Alta Val Parma
Iban code IT25W0623065710000095000378, Agenzia di Corniglio, Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza S.p.A / Cariparma, Crédit Agricole

 Sesta, Chiesa Restauro 2020

Sesta The Church
Parma, Italy

August 16, 2020

A short and informal event - outdoors and subject to the measures necessary for the particular moment that we are actually living – to present the completion of another important step: the restoration of the left side and of the ceiling painted by Madoi in the Church, thanks to other generous contributions by public and private institution.
Looking forward to a formal inauguration of the complete restoration of the paintings next year, in these very days.

Press, a selection

Sesta, Chiesa,Sesta, The Church, restoration of the whole painting, 2019 Press, 2019 Press Sesta, The Church, Inauguration of the restauration, 2020 Sesta, The Church, Inauguration of the restauration, 2020